My 5 Secrets to Confidence

In the midst of 2020 I know many of us have lost our sanity & along with that, our confidence.The Alison you see today is a happy, radiant & confident girl. I’m not going to sit here & pretend that I’m confident 24/7 because that would be a lie. My journey to confidence has been a crazy ride to say the least, but along that crazy ride I learned the things that gave me confidence & the things that took it from me as well. It was a lot of trial & error but it all led me to my secret formula AKA: my 5 secrets to Confidence.

+ Surround yourself with positive & confident people

You are a reflection of the people you hangout with!! If you hangout with negative people expect negativity in your life & if you hangout with positive people you can expect positivity in your life. Why would you hangout with someone who makes you feel sh*tty? 2020 was sh*tty enough. You may have to cut ties with some close friends & sometimes even family but the more you continue to surround yourself with amazing human beings that share the same positive energy as you, the more you’ll grow & prosper!

+ Affirmations are key

Have you ever heard the phrase “The more you hear something, the more you believe it?” Well it’s true. The more you tell yourself I AM beautiful, I AM confident, I AM loved, the more you will believe it. Sadly the same rule applies for negative comments so focus on filling your mind with positive affirmations only! Wake up, look at yourself in the mirror & remind yourself that you are a Bad A** because after all, you are what you think.

+ Respect Yourself

Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you because you are in charge of the way you want to be treated. If people walk all over you it’s because you don’t stand up for yourself & vice versa. I know that may sound harsh but if you take it personal then it’s because you don’t stand up for yourself. I used to let people walk all over me because I “didn’t want to be mean.” There is a fine line between being mean & being assertive. Learn the difference & make some changes if you aren’t happy with the way people treat you.

+ Treat Yourself

It’s healthy to reward yourself. You need to build a beautiful, healthy relationship with yourself & get to know yourself before you do that with anyone else. It’s major key for confidence. Take a bubble bath, meditate, get your nails done, or do your makeup for no reason! As sad as it sounds, some people don’t know themselves. They don’t know what they like because they never make time for themselves. Make your self a priority!! Doing these things for yourself will put you ahead of the game & I promise it will make your confidence grow.

+ Do something out of your comfort zone

This was the hardest for me since I’m such a homebody but it also turned out to be the best because it helped me grow my confidence the most! You cannot grow inside your comfort zone so you have to learn how to step out. The first step is always the hardest but before you know it you’ll be running.
